Angela 26th April 2021

Jenny wrote…. Nana always made the best roast dinners. I remember going over to their house on a Sunday to see her and Grandad and always looked forward to roast dinner. She also made some very good cakes! Nana was very good at making up stories to tell me. I clearly remember as a child sitting on her knee and listening to her tell me such stories. I have great memories of the walks in the woods, which we loved as children, as there was a park at the end of the walk. I also remember walking to the top of their road to feed the ducks occasionally when we stayed there. Nana used to take us round to see her friends when we stayed there, and I distinctly remember her friends always having the best biscuits! Lastly, I remember our trips to Southend on Sea to see Nana's family and eating fish and chips on the promenade with her and Grandad.